Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!!

We arrived back home today after a very long and not so nice road trip. It was beautiful when we left Arizona and it is sooooo cold and windy and snowy here. It was quite a shock to the system. After we got the car unpacked we started wrapping presents for the nieces and nephew, since we are having a Christmas party/New Years Party tonight and I did not have time to do it before we left for Christmas. I am also trying to get a couple of other presents finished up, but I do not think I will have time to get them done. I will just have to work on them tomorrow and get them to their people as soon as I can.

I hope you all are having a great New Years Eve, and I truly hope the coming year will be great to all of you.

Until next time, Happy Scrappin'

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

This is a sad day....

Today, or rather tonight we will be leaving to go home. Back to a frozen wintery wasteland. Ok, it is not actually that bad, but it sure seems like it right now. We have had so much fun being down here for Christmas. On Sunday we went to the Phoenix Zoo. WOW, is that a HUGE zoo. We have a great zoo back home, but this zoo is about twice the size of ours, and has some really cool animals. I will post some of those pictures after we get home. Yesterday was another day of relaxing and swimming in the pool. Today we have been relaxing and also getting packed and ready to go home. We might get a quick dip in the pool again before we leave, but not too sure about that just yet. The one cool thing about going back home.... We are stopping at the Stampin' Up! home office in Riverton tomorrow and going for a tour.

Unfortunately I did not get as much stamping and scrapping done as I would have liked, but I did have a blast teaching mom new techniques, even if we did not end up finishing anything enough to make cards out of. She will be able to finish them herself later and use them for her friends down here.

I had best get going so I can finish packing up the car so we can leave after supper.

Until next time, Happy Scrappin'

Sunday, December 27, 2009

мо матрёшка.....окончательно (My Matryoshka....Finally....)

огорченно для задержки (Sorry for the delay) I had started this card last week after we arrived on vacation and just never got back to it, so I sat down tonight and finished it up. This is the new set called My Matryoshka (мо матрёшка). Я люблю этот комплект (I love this set)!! I have always loved the Russian language, and while my written and spoken skills were never that great, I still loved speaking in Russian. My Great Grandmother was born in Russia and came to Canada when she was about 10. She used to try and teach us when we visited, but it never really stuck for long. I had always wanted to actually learn, and after a university course and dating a guy for 4 years that came from Russia I got pretty good. Unfortunately I have not really spoken or written Russian for ohhh about 9 years, so I am very rusty and if I have bad grammar or spelling I apologize.

This set actually has a set of 4 of these wonderful nesting dolls, and I only stamped the one for this card. I also used the brand new Scallop TRIM Punch (Thanks Diana for letting me borrow yours). Both the stamp set and the punch will be available Jan 5th, once the new Mini Occasion and the Sale-A-Bration catty's start. I also have to apologize for the horrific lighting and colors, I will re-do these once I get home so you can see how pretty it really is.

Stamp set: My Matryoshka
Ink: Chocolate Chip, Almost Amethyst, Bashful Blue, Barely Banana, Mellow Moss, Certainly Celery, Lovely Lilac, and Pretty in Pink (all Markers)
Paper: Whisper White, Mellow Moss, Bashful Blue, Bashful Blue DSP, Lovely Lilac
Misc: Stampin' Dimensionals, Scallop TRIM Punch

In case you are interested I thought I would post a little bit about the Matryoshka dolls.... I copied most of this from google.....and if you are not interested this is basically the end of the post, so feel free to stop reading.

A matryoshka doll, also known as a Russian nested doll or a babushka doll, is a set of dolls of decreasing sizes placed one inside the other. A set of matryoshkas consists of a wooden figure which separates, top from bottom, to reveal another figure of the same sort inside, which has, in turn, another figure inside of it, and so on. The number of nested figures is usually five or more. The form is approximately cylindrical, with a rounded top for the head, tapering toward the bottom, with little or no protruding features; the dolls have no hands (except those that are painted). Traditionally the outer layer is a woman, dressed in a sarafan. The figures inside may be of either gender; the smallest, innermost doll is typically a baby, and does not open. The artistry is in the painting of each doll, which can be extremely elaborate.

Matryoshkas date from 1890, the first Russian nested doll set was carved by Vasily Zvyozdochkin from a design by Sergey Malyutin, who was a folk crafts painter in the Abramtsevo estate of the Russian industrialist and patron of arts Savva Mamontov. The doll set was painted by Maliutin himself. In 1900, Savva Mamontov's wife presented the dolls at the World Exhibition in Paris, and the toy earned a bronze medal. Soon after, matryoshki dolls were being made in several places in Russia.

Modern artists create many new styles of nesting dolls. Common themes include animal collections, portraits and caricatures of famous politicians, musicians and popular movie stars. Matryoshka dolls that feature communist leaders of Russia became very popular among Russian people in the early 1990s, after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Today, some Russian artists specialize in painting themed matryoshka dolls that feature specific categories of subjects, people or nature.

A doll which represents an old woman is often called a baboushka or babushka, that which represents an old man a dedoushka or dedushka.

Areas with notable matryoshka styles include Sergiyev Posad, Semionovo (now the town of Semyonov), Polkholvsky Maidan, and Kirov

I hope you enjoyed learning a little bit more about these amazing nesting dolls. My hubby John actually has a set that he bought in France that are from Moscow originally, and I just love them. I used to have a set that I got in Novosibirsk and had the traditional 5 dolls, but a very not nice person stole them from me years ago, but I am hoping one day to go back there and get another set.

Until next time, Happy Scrappin'

Saturday, December 26, 2009

From my family to yours.....

We have been super busy this whole trip. It seems we never get a minute to slow down, which is great..... it keeps the 3 yr old too busy to whine! I figured I would share a few pictures of what we have been up to while the shortbread cookies are cooking in the oven.

This was taken on Christmas morning outside mom's place. It was great to be able to hang out outside and play with some new Christmas toys right away instead of having to wait a few months like normal.

This was taken later that night after we had eaten and cleaned up all of supper dishes. We actually went to the pool twice on Christmas day, that is a tradition I would love to continue!

These were taken at the Mesa Temple, it is so pretty this time of year. They must spend days getting this all set up, but it is so worth it.

I hope you all are staying safe and warm where ever you are and getting a chance to get lots of scrappy stuff done. That is the one thing I have not been doing too much of lately.

Until next time, Happy Scrappin'

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!!!

Merry Christmas to everyone! We are having a great day so far, and while the potatoes finish cooking I snuck out to make a quick post. We opened stockings and presents this morning and then after getting everything ready to cook and the turkey in the oven we went out to the pool and had a great afternoon swimming. I am just about to put the last touches on supper and then after eating guess where we are heading to??? any guesses?? that's right, the POOL!! I love Arizona!!!

Hope all your Christmas' have been great and that you all have been surrounded by loved ones.

Until next time, Happy Scrappin'

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Stampin Up visits.

I have had the pleasure the last 2 days to visit with 2 really great Stampin' Up! demos' Yesterday I went to a class at Diana Gibbs' and had a blast, not only did I make the cutest little calendar, I got to visit with her for a while after. She is a lot of fun and has the most amazing stamp studio ever!! I also got to meet her son and hubby and they are really nice too. I knew I would love hanging out with her as I am a loyal blog follower of hers and I love her sense of humor.

Today I met up with Anne and had a blast meeting her too. We brought out kids, and her 4 kids are soooo cute. We met up at a fun restaurant called Chick-fil-a and my little guy loved playing with her kids there. When we were leaving he was a little sad to leave the play place, but then realized that he wouldn't get to play with the kids anymore and he was quite upset. One of the things I love best about Stampin' Up! is the wonderful people I have met.

I am hoping to sit down tonight and play with some more of my stamps and such I brought down here. I might even get to teaching mom some more techniques.

I am off right now to look at the marvelous lights at the LDS Temple here in Mesa, and then back to stamping. (if you live in the area and have never been, it is a must, the lights are so beautiful! it is free to go to as well and located at 525 E. Main Street in Mesa.)

I hope you all are enjoying this Christmas season with all the wonderful lights and beautiful displays.

Until next time, Happy Scrappin'

Sunday, December 20, 2009

our trip so far...

We have had a great trip so far. We drove all the way down here, and went through Vegas. My son LOVES transformers, esp Bumblebee and Prime. In the first movie Megatron is being cryogenic-ally frozen and held inside the Hoover Dam. Bumblebee is captured is transported there too. We drove over the Hoover Dam, at night, but he did not care, he wanted a picture taken with Bumblebee (his), him and Megatron and the other Bumblebee inside the Hoover Dam. I have other better pics of the Hoover Dam all lit up, but with the flash on, you can hardly see the lights in the background, let alone all the buildings.

We have spent at least 2 hours every day in the pool since we got here. Sevastian loves the water, but really does not like it when he can not touch the bottom, so we invented a little floaty device out of pool noodles. It is nice that he can float all by himself this way even though we are never more than a few inches away. We have a life jacket for him, but when we try to teach him to float he refuses to in the jacket, and once we are done he goes back in the life jacket.

Tomorrow the plan is to get up some of mom's christmas decorations and then spend the rest of the day visiting with friends at the pool.

Until next time, Happy Scrappin'

Saturday, December 19, 2009

My Matryoshka....

sort of..... I LOVE this new set. I have made a few stamped images with it already, but no full cards yet. I know what I want to make card wise, but silly me, I did not bring what I needed down here. I am still re-thinking new ideas, and if I find ones I like as much as what I have in mind I will make those.

I have also been having tons of fun in the outdoor pool here. So far everyone thinks we are crazy being in the pool a few hours each day, but it is WARM here, I don't care what they say, 25C is WARM, that is our summer temperatures.

I will have a few pictures to post later tonight I hope. I am still searching for my card reader. I know I packed it, but that thing is tiny!!

Hope you all are having tons of fun and getting as excited for Christmas as I am.

Until next time, Happy Scrappin'

Thursday, December 17, 2009

We've Arrived!!!

We are in Paradise! I so love Arizona and the warmth down here. My mom is crazy....she thinks it is freezing cold down here, but I know freezing cold, and this is not cold. It was cold back home before we left, A day or so before we left it was almost -40. Here is is about 28C which I think is around 80F or so, I am not too sure of the exact conversion since I never use the Fahrenheit system. We left Tuesday night after my car was fixed (stupid clutch) and packed and headed down here. It took us way longer to get down here than normal since we had issues with my front passenger window. It went down and decided to stay down. Not exactly an ideal way to travel. We had to stop at a WalMart and get plastic and tape to make a temporary window. This sort of worked...We had to stop and fix it way to often, but at least the car stayed mostly warm. It was so noisy and not the nicest way to start a vacation, but..... WE ARE HERE!!!!! Can you tell I am excited. We arrived at about 7 am and were unpacked and in bed by 8. Mom was nice enough to let us sleep all day until we woke up. We slept and slept and slept and woke up at about 430 in the afternoon.

Before we left I packed all of the new goodies that the "YAY Man" brought us. I have not had time to play with them yet, so I am going to get them unpacked and I hope to get to them tomorrow. We are going to get some supper in a few minutes and then we are going to hang out with grama and papa and nana all night.

I have no new cards to show you today, but I will have some tomorrow. The picture quality won't be as nice since I do not have my photo studio here, but I will still post them. I hope you all are having a great week.

Until next time, Happy Scrappin'

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Holiday Mail...

... so I mailed off all of my Christmas cards today. I ended up making a total of 67 cards. Most were to family.... and several cards were not just from my family but I also included my Grandmother on them too. She lives less than a kilometer from us in an assisted living facility and it is so awesome to have her here. She had surgery on her spine earlier this year and has a very hard recovery, esp since the damn nurses tore BOTH her rotator cuffs and her even more inept Dr didn't do anything for 7!!! freaking months. Anyways it is really hard for her to write still so I decided to help her out this year by sending cards to people I don't normally send cards to and signing her name on them as well so she did not have to. When I took all the cards over to her earlier tonight to show them to her, and to get her seal of approval, she was crying while telling me how beautiful they all were. I have to admit it felt really great not only to help her out, but also to know just how much my Grams appreciates it.

I also went to my niece's birthday party today and after it was over while most of the kids were playing I did some 'playing' with my sister in law. This is the card we made today. We also did a Santa pillow box 'gift bag' and a couple ornaments with glitter and rub-ons.

Stamps: Dasher, Many Merry Messages
Ink: Elegant Eggplant
Paper: Elegant Eggplant, Whisper White, Brushed Silver Cardstock
Misc: Orchard Ribbon Originals, Dazzlin' Diamonds Glitter, Large Oval & Scallop Oval Punches

There are just so many things I love about this card. First is the Bride DSP. It is actually white on white, but you can color it, and I did it Elegant Eggplant here. I also love Ric Rak and this is Elegant Eggplant from the Orchard Ribbon Originals. And how can we not mention Dasher?
This is such a wonderful stamp, and he is only 10.95, plus who doesn't love a little bling?

I also made this cake for her birthday. My sister in law saw a cake similar to this online and asked if I would try it. if you couldn't tell from the cake, my niece LOVES The Wiggles.

I am off to bed... I have way to much to do tomorrow to get ready to leave for my wonderful trip to AZ!!!! I am getting very excited.

Until next time, Happy Scrappin'

Friday, December 11, 2009

Winter living....

...totally sucks!! So I have noticed that a lot of my recent blog readers are not from Canada, and while I know that several of the countries you are all from do have winter, I am sure hoping that it is nicer than here. In fact, you lucky ones from Australia and New Zealand are super lucky to be having beautiful weather. Back to my rant/vent.... I grew up in another province and we had horrific winters, so I know this is not bad, but wow... I hate it anyways. It is taking my hubby well over an hour to get to work in the mornings when it normally takes him about 20 mins, and after work is way worse with rush hour it is about a hour and 3/4, but yesterday with needing to grab something for me for Christmas (which I will mention was picked out and waiting for him and all he had to do was drive and pick it up) took him about 4 hours to get home. After that I took pitty on him and let him and my son play til bedtime. Tonight was a gong show. When the weather gets really cold and windy like it has been, our house, well it sucks. So we spent the better part of the night trying to get/stay warm beside the fireplace while my awesome hubby washed dishes and cleaned up after my mess in the kitchen. I made a cake and cupcakes today and started to ice them for my nieces birthday party on Saturday. Our heater has seen better years and it tried to die on us tonight so awesome hubby fixed it, before I could kill it. Now we have heat again, but sadly, No flyer for my blog just yet. Hopefully soon.

So now on to more card related things. I saw the BEST CARD EVER!!!! on my friend Diana's blog. She is a fellow Canadian, but living in the US, and she has the most wicked sense of humour!! (Canadian spelling and all) IN the new Occasions mini starting Jan 5th there is the most adorable Chocolate bunny stamp and she has been 'eating' these poor guys and making the best cards with them. Here is a link to her Blog so you can check it out. Leave her a comment letting her know just how awesome these are, cause they are.

She is also down on the left side in my blog roll. If you have never been you really need to check her out on a daily or so basis, cause she rocks. She is after all an Aritsan Award Winner. She has made other cards with this set, so please go and check her out.

I was really hoping to get my new pre-order in today but it is stuck in the snow.... did I mention I hate snow?? There is another great single stamp set in the new Occasions mini that I can not wait to play with. It is called Like-O-Meter, and is basically what it color in the meter part letting the recipient know how much you like them. I keep telling hubby he will get lots of post it notes in his shoes letting him know "you don't annoy me" which is second from the bottom, but with my sense of humour, totally funny to me, and more like 'love ya babe'. He of course does not find this as funny as I do, YET.

Wow I did a lot of talking and no posting of my own creations. Sorry that is my life until we leave I think. Tomorrow I will show you guys how many cards I will be mailing off in the second round. I didn't think to take a picture before I mailed some of them, so it is not all, but still a lot.

Until next time, Happy Scrappin'

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

New heart-shaped Sweet Treat Cups!

I know this might seem a little early, what with Christmas not being here yet, but when these are released January 5th, you will want to order these as soon as possible. Stampin' Up's new Heart Treat Cups coordinate perfectly with the Sweetheart stamp set in the new Occasions Mini Catalog, and the Full Heart punch.

I'm so pleased that those of you who have already fallen in love with the Sweet Treat Cups now have another option--and hope that those of you who haven't tried these easy and amazingly cute little add-ons will give them a try!

Important Information

  • Heart Treat Cups (#120435) and the coordinating Sweetheart stamp set (#120415) will be available for purchase starting on January 5, 2010.
  • Limited time offer--only while supplies last, so Don't Wait!!!
  • The coordinating Sweet Treat Padded Envelopes (#116802) are recommended if you want to mail these special projects, as the cups stick up quite a ways off the card.
  • The Full Heart punch makes the exact sized hole you need for these cups if you want to use them as shown above--item #113693.
Also as soon as my hubby gets home (which could take another 5 or 6 hours.... stupid snow) I am going to get him to add the Heart Treat Cups Flyer link thingy. I am so not good with computers and I have no idea how to add a second 'page' and since he is a computer programmer it should take him about 30 seconds.

I think this is ridiculously cute, and I will be adding these to my January order!

Until next time, Happy Scrappin'

I am just so excited!!!!

A little while ago I heard the most amazing news!!! Stampin' Up! Is finally coming out with a new line of Stamps.

Over the past few years, there has been enormous demand from demonstrators and customers alike for a line of repositionable clear-mount rubber stamps. Well, you asked for it, and now you have it! Starting with stamps in the 2010 Occasions Mini Catalog and the 2010 Sale-A-Bration Brochure, Stampin' Up! now offers our exclusive stamp art in both traditional wood-mount, and the new clear-mount option.

Our new clear-mount rubber stamps are the result of extensive research with the intent to maintain the very best image quality in the stamping industry, while at the same time offering the ease-of-use and storability inherent in repositionable clear-mount rubber stamps.

Clear-Mount Rubber Stamp Features
  • Nine different sizes of clear blocks available individually or as a discounted bundle.
  • Blocks have ergonomic grooves on all four sides for easy grip and traditional wood-mount feel.
  • Stamps and blocks are durable and easy to clean with your Stampin' Scrub and Stampin' Mist.
  • Optional image labels on stamp backs let you decide if you want to see the image through the block or not.
  • Tight die-cutting for easy image positioning.
  • Large clear blocks can be used to create collages or spell words with alphabet sets.
  • Stamps store easily in standard, DVD-type cases with artwork on front and spine, making organization easy.
I can not wait until my pre-order box full of goodies gets here Friday. I won't have much time to play with them on the weekend, BUT I promise you I will play with them at least a little. I am also taking them with me to Arizona so I can play with my new goodies and keep updating my blog with all the new goodness.

If you want to see these wonderful new stamps in action I am having an Open House in January, where you will be able to come on over and see the new product from the Mini Occasion Catalogue first hand! I will post more details about the Open House soon, so you can all make sure to keep those dates available.

Well I am off to make more chocolates for my Brother in law's Christmas present. I am still not entirely sure how I got roped into making his present yet. In my husband's family we draw names for a make it, bake it, or buy it and my wonderful hubby got his brother in law, yet I am making the goodies. Oh well. As soon as I am done that I will be trying to get my actual gift for my sister in law done. I am having to rethink it a little as my Cricut is not working and I am waiting on a new one.

Until next time, Happy Scrappin'

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Clear Block Storage

On a Message board I belong to someone asked with the new clear blocks in the bundle (soon to be available, Jan 5th) how does everyone store them. I decided to show you all how I store mine.

I got this tin and it was originally white. I decided I wanted it to be pretty and I love the one my sister in law Catherine made me for a Christmas present a few years back. She did mine with alcohol inks, but I wanted to make mine all Stampin' Up! so I gave it a go.

I used Bashful Blue and Almost Amethyst Re-inkers and a cotton ball and just daubed all over the tin, until it looked how I wanted it. I thought it needed a little something else, so I did the same thing with Platinum Shimmer Paint and the cotton balls. Then I added a bit of ribbon, Whisper White and Basic Gray 3/8" Taffeta and White Organza.

I also used Staz-on Black to stamp all the butterflies using Flight of the Butterfly. I found some Alphabet stamps and used them to stamp the word Blocks on as well.

The best part about it too, is how many blocks it can hold. I currently have 12 blocks in there and I have room for more. I have all sizes of blocks, small, medium and large, even an extra large on that measures 4 7/8" x 6" for background stamps! The whole tin measures 7 1/4" x 5 x 3 deep, you can get other sizes as well, but this one works best for me.

I hope this helps you all out.

Until next time, Happy Scrappin'

Monday, December 7, 2009

Striped Ribbon Share

I have had a lot of inquiries into if I would do a 1/2" striped ribbon share, so I decided, sure why not. So here are the details. You would receive 2 yards (approximately 6 feet) of each of the 6 colors of 1/2" striped ribbon for only $16.00. I only have 3 spots left so call or email me soon if you want to be a part of this ribbon share. If the 3 spots fill up before Friday I can mail it off to you before I leave for my vacation, and you can have it before Christmas. If you want to see what these look like check out page 182 in the catty. I am going to try and take a picture of my beautiful rolls of ribbon later tonight, but if I don't get a chance you can still see what they look like. They are so pretty and fun looking.

So I actually managed to get a way for a few minutes and get this taken and uploaded. Aren't these ribbons Fantastic?

Until next time, Happy Scrappin'

You're a tool...

In a good way though. I love the set Totally Tool. I think it is great for thank you cards for anyone that is handy. I also love doing things that are a little unexpected sometimes and I think that putting real washers on this card is a little unexpected. This card is for someone who has been building me extra storage for all my wonderful scrappy stuff, You Rock!!!

Stamp: Totally Tool
Ink: Not Quite Navy, Basic Black
Paper: Not Quite Navy, Whisper White, Bravo Burgandy, Sahara Sand, To The Nines DSP
Misc: Buttons #5 Die, Texturz Impressions background #1, Metal Washers

I will be quite busy this week getting ready for Christmas, and also getting ready to leave for Arizona for Vacation!!! I am hoping to still get a few posts in, but I have to start and finish making 3 Christmas presents, A Wiggles Car Cake for my niece and Birthday presents as well as planning and making supplies for a Stampers 10 this Friday.

I hope you all have more productive Scrappy time than I will this week.

Until next time, Happy Scrappin'

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Sympathy cards

I always have such a hard time doing sympathy, get well and thinking of you cards. I am not sure why but even when I attempt to case someone else's card I still have a hard time with them. The one thing that makes it a bit easier is a great Stamp Set. This uses Thoughts & Prayers and I love this set. It works for sympathy, thinking of you, get well and the tree and flowery vine work for anything! A little while ago one of my husbands co-workers lost her mom and I made this card for her.

Stamp: Thoughts & Prayers
Ink: Soft Suede
Paper: Very Vanilla, Soft Suede, Rich Razzleberry, Sahara Sand
Misc: Scallop Circle Punch, 1 3/8" Circle Punch, Soft Suede 1/2" Polka Dot Ribbon, Backgrounds #1 Texturz Plates

Until next time, Happy Scrappin'

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Thank you

I just wanted to thank all of you who placed orders with me during the extended Holiday Extravaganza. I put all your names into a bucket and had my son pick one. Rhea, your name was pulled out, so congratulations you have won my little prize pack. I will get it of to you today on my way to work.

I have decided to offer another little prize pack. This one will be for some homemade cards. I will get a picture up later today or tomorrow.

Any orders placed with me between now and when I leave on the 14th of Dec will be eligible. I will have my son draw a name again before we leave and I will mail them on my way out of town.

Until next time, Happy Scrappin'

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Shimmery Penguin

I love this little guy. This is the card I made the other night after I was inspired by our cute penguins outside. Just a reminder that this set and the wonderful shimmer paint used to make the shimmer spray are only available until Jan 4th.

you can kind of see the shimmer spray in the top right corner
This does not do it justice, but trying to show the crystal effects on the iceburg

This is to show the wonderful Icicle Rub-ons
It is hard-ish to see here, but this is to try and show the shimmer spray
Stamp: Cold & Cuddly
Ink: Basic Black, Summer Sun, Not quite Navy, Rich Razzleberry, Pumpkin Pie, and Tempting Turquoise Markers
Paper: Whisper White, Rich Razzleberry, Not quite Navy, and Basic Gray
Misc: Icicle Rub-ons, Platinum Shimmer Paint, Crystal Effects, Large Oval and Scallop Oval Punches

I used the Icicle Rub-ons for the snowflake border, I love how easy Stampin' Up!'s rub-ons are to use. I have never had problems with them not wanting to go on, or coming off for that matter. Also to get the wonderful Shimmer all over the card I used rubbing alcohol and poured it into a mister and then added about 10 or so drops of platinum shimmer paint into it. You then shake it all up and spray. It makes all colors of cardstock look wonderful. It is much more noticeable in person, and I also have to say that the crystal effect on the iceberg is way more glossy in person and looks so much better.

Until next time, Happy Scrappin'

Soon to be Discontinued....

Stampin' Up announced this morning that there are items on the current dormant list that are being discontinued on January 4th, 2010
Item Number Stamp Set
113407 Back Woods
114492 Beautiful Baby
114486 Birthday Wish
113200 Branch Out
114496 Celebrations
113732 Central Park
113206 Classic Sketches
113226 Classy & Fabulous
114498 Flowers in Silhouette
113405 Font of You
113216 For the Bride
114494 Forever
109425 Friend by Definition
114488 Fun Flowers
113716 Garden Greetings
114490 Glad Friends
111580 Grand Soiree
113242 Hit the Road
113710 Lexicon of Leaves
113236 Man's Best Friend
114423 Ocean Commotion
113728 Playful Petals
109276 Polka Dot
111544 Putt Putt
113240 Quilt Quips
113754 Really Retro
113403 Sip by Sip
113726 Sweet Stems
113250 That's Funny
113688 Wonderful Watercolors
114028 Para la novia
114032 Acuarelas Maravillosas

If any of these stamp sets are on your wish list, make sure to purchase them before they are gone for good!

I am offering a small special, I have 1 Garden Greetings that has been barely used, is not stained and never mounted but I still have the wood blocks and case it came in. It is normally $25.95 plus shipping and tax for a total of $29.84 and I am selling it for $20.00 which is a savings of more than 20%! Leave a comment here or email me if you are interested in this set.

Until next time, Happy Scrappin'

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

What a great way to welcome December

Stampin' Up! has extended their Holiday Extravaganza sale until Dec 2nd!! The extensions are only for orders placed directly with me, so email or call me to place your order. I am also offering another little addition to this great promotion. Any order placed with me before midnight Dec 2nd will be entered to win some great Stampin' Up! prizes.

The prize pack includes Silver Embossing Powder, Micro Beads, Platinum and Frost White Shimmer Paint, a one of a kind bracelet made by me from Stampin' Up!'s Hodgepodge Hardware and Pretties Kit, the cute little penguin card I made the other night and 2, yes 2!! Stampin Up Stamp Sets!!!!

My December deal is from now until Dec 31st and all orders must be placed directly with me by either email or phone.

Deal #1 Ribbon Share

You will receive this share beginning Jan 5th.
5/8" Satin Ribbon (from the new Occasions Mini Jan 5th to April 30th)
Colors include
Basic Black, Real Red, Chocolate Chip, Certainly Celery, Pretty in Pink, Bashful Blue, Very Vanilla, Old Olive and Basic Gray

You will get 3 yards of each of the above colors for $27.00. This is a great way to get some of all of the new ribbon without having to buy them all.

Deal #2 Holiday Mini

Any items you order from the current Holiday Mini will have FREE Shipping, that is a 10% savings.

Deal #3Stampin' Write Markers

Purchase the Many Marvelous Markers for only 160.00 plus shipping and taxes and save over 10%!! This set normally sells for 179.95

Until next time, Happy Scrappin'