Sunday, July 19, 2009

Island life is Wonderful!!!

We have been on the Island for 2 full days, and while I have been extremely busy in those days, I have still tried to take a little bit of time to enjoy where we are. I managed to get the cakes here whole and NONE of the flowers were damaged in the trip either. The fondant didn't cooperate as nicely, but in the end the cakes looked beautiful! I also spent the day yesterday with the Bride and Groom taking pictures of them getting ready and then out and about in a really pretty area taking beach pictures and then again at the hotel with family and the whole reception and ring ceremony too. I have loved driving over to the house to work on the cakes and then driving around for the photos yesterday, we have seen such beautiful places just as we are driving, it really makes the time fly.

Now we will have a few more days here before we leave and head a little farther south for the last leg of our trip and I think I will miss it here. We are camping right ON the ocean, and it is wonderful to wake up and look out the windows of the tent to see that beautiful sight, and I love falling asleep and hearing the ocean as I drift off. Today is our first full day with no wedding stuff, except a small thank you lunch. After lunch we are going swimming in the ocean with the kid and the dog, and tomorrow we are headed to Tofino, and I am super excited about that. I have some amazing pictures taken from right inside the tent, I opened up the tent window and set up my tripod and took some night time pictures that are so pretty.

When we do move south it will still be pretty as we will be camping on a really pretty river, and close enough to the ocean to see it from the campground, just not our actual site. we will be doing a fair amount of hiking there and more geocaching. My hubby and kid have done 2 goecahes already I believe while I was making the cakes and I think we will be doing another tonight as well.

I would love to upload the pictures now and show you but apparently this laptop does not have a card reader, opps. I am going to ask today if the Brides dad has a computer with a card reader. I took about 700 pictures yesterday of the bride and groom and wedding day and reception for them, and I would love to load them to a DVD for her, instead of doing it at home and mailing it to them. Plus this way there will be a back up incase comething happens to the camera, which I hope nothing does, fingers crossed.

That is it for today, I am off to enjoy the view and play in the ocean before lunch. Hope you all are having a great day, and doing a little scrapping. I sure will be when I get home.

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