Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Lots of Bots... sort of

I fell in love with this robot but wasn't sure I wanted to buy the whole set, so when I saw the So Cool rub- on set and saw him in it I had to have it. The card from yesterday came from the same set of rub-ons, so there is lots of versatility with this set, and for a great price too. I knew as soon as I started making this card who I was going to give it to, and while it will be hard to part with, (cause I think it is the cutest thing ever and I sure hope my nephew will love it as much as I do) I know my SIL will keep it, so that makes it easier to part with.

I had a fairly busy day today getting ready for my classes coming up, (there are still a couple spots left if you want to join in the fun and mayhem) and also unpacking an putting away all my wonderful new goodies that the 'yay man' delivered. Yes my son names everyone and everything.... the UPS man got his name because I say YAY a lot when he comes with my goodies. Ohhh I almost forgot, this cards name is "MO and friend"... ever seen the movie WALL-E? there is a little cleaning robot named MO and my son insists that the bag this robot is holding is MO and the robot is his friend.... Life is soooo simple when you are 3.

Until next time, Happy Scrappin'