Wednesday, January 13, 2010

under construction...

I am trying to add a few new gadgets and links to my blog and it seems that I just can not figure it all out on my own. So I am now reading and scouring the web trying to figure it all out, but while I proceed with my trial and error method unfortunately my blog will look a little different and be a bit messy. I will try to get it sorted out as quick as possible, but it might take me some time to get it all figured out. If anyone has any expertise with blogger and adding 'extras' like google calendar, or additional 'pages' please contact me if you are willing to help me out, even with a few tips.

Thanks for your patience while I work on this.


1 comment:

  1. I was great talking with you today Dany! Good luck with your blog, you will do great!

    -Mary B.
