Monday, March 8, 2010

one messed up day

Today didn't start out very well, and while it took most of the day to get sorted out, it ended up fairly good, overall. I was up at 5:15 to get ready to do the online registration for Skating lessons. I had called friday to make sure that everything would do smoothly since the phone lines would not open til 8:30 and all of the spots would be full by then. I knew there was a date overlap for the last day of swimming lessons and the first day of skating lessons and I wanted to make sure I would still be able to register for skating.... I was told several times that yes I would be able to register still. Well.... 5:30 rolls around and what happens..... surprise surprise I can not register for skating lessons because of a date overlap! I tried adding a second kid to the list so I could register under that name, but you can not add a kid online, you have to do it on the phone, I tried canceling the swimming lessons but you have to do that on the phone too. Needless to say that by 8:30 I was getting a little miffed. Then I called in and was put on hold for over an hour waiting for someone to actually answer the phone since it was the first day of spring registrations. I finally got a person on the phone and was basically told that since the spots were all full there was nothing they could do. I asked to talk to someone in charge and was actually put through to the woman that schedules the lessons. She ended up looking at how many of us were waitlisted after only 6 hours and opened up 3 more sets of lessons, so I FINALLY got my baby registered for skating lessons. I had tried 2 other registration periods before this and never managed to get in, since these are basically the most popular lessons they offer. I am just happy we finally got in, I had wanted him to learn when he was 3, but I guess 4 is not too bad either. I never did get back on the computer earlier today while I was trying to get this all sorted out, so I still have not set up a weeks worth of posts, but I hope to get time each day to do so.

On to the card....this is one I had done way back in August for an Open House and I love it so much I re-did it again.

Stamps: Upsy Daisy:
Ink: In Color Markers
Paper: Whisper White, Dusty Durango, Crushed Curry, Soft Suede
Misc: 1/2" Polka Dot Ribbon, Scallop Oval Punch, Large Oval Punch, Top Note Die, Big Shot, Stampin Dimensionals

Until next time, Happy Scrappin'

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