Wednesday, May 5, 2010

A Little Challenge...

I have decided to issue a challenge to all of you today. I have to clean my house from top to bottom today, since we are having an inspection come through tomorrow. I am also trying to tape another 2 videos, and get some cards made. ALL TODAY!.... ha... yah right....

So... my challenge for you all is to do a little cleaning that wasn't already on your to do list. After getting 3 rooms done, it really starts to feel good. Since the weather outside (snow!!!) was trying it's best to put me in the dumps, I am loving the boost to my mood that seeing all these clean rooms gives me. And I'll bet my hubby will love it too. The hard part to all of this is to try and have it still TIDY tomorrow, since my wonderful child and dog are doing their best to un-tidy as soon as I am done.

I am off to go clean some more rooms. I think I will be leaving the Stampin' Pad for last.... since I will probably get really distracted and not want to start cleaning again.

If you decide to take me up on my cleaning challenge, please leave a comment here and let us know what you did.

Until next time, Happy Scrappin' Cleaning


  1. Cleaning sucks but there is lots to do over here. I will try and take you up on the challenge. . . No Promises though. You know how much I love cleaning. Why are you getting a home inspection?

  2. We are having a green audit done and an energy audit. It is amazing how much you learn about your house! I did manage to get the cleaning done, but not much else. I ended up having to do the floors twice as the kid let the dog (with muddy feet) in the house while I was upstairs doing the bathroom.
