Monday, October 18, 2010

Lovely Christmas

One of my all time favorite sets has got to be Lovely As A Tree. It can be used for just about anything, in fact I have yet to find a type of card it can't be for. When I saw this DSP Jolly Holiday and this pattern I knew I had to use this tree with it. I think the different shades of green look great with this tree. I still have so many ideas for Christmas cards, but only so many classes that I might end up scheduling another Christmas Stamp A Stack in December just so I have an excuse to make more samples.

Stamps: Lovely as a Tree, Christmas Punch (retired)
Inks: Old Olive, Early Espresso, Cherry Cobbler
Paper: Cherry Cobbler, Old Olive, Very Vanilla, Jolly Holiday DSP
Misc: Curly Label Punch, 1/4" Very Vanilla Grosgrain Ribbon, Stampin' Dimensionals

I am hoping to get a fair amount posted in the coming days, but life has thrown us another curve ball. My Grams broke her back late last week and we are having to care for her basically round the clock as the hospital here won't keep her until after a Dr can confirm that her old x-rays and her new x-rays are in fact different and then maybe they will see if they can do anything for her. I am so glad that she only lives literally a block away, it makes caring for her that much easier. It's also nice to have mom around helping out too. I will try my best to keep up with the blogging, but it might get swept to the side a bit int he next few days while we get this sorted out. Please bear with me and keep checking back.


  1. I'm sorry about your grandma, I hope she heals fast.

    You are right, Lovely as a Tree can be used for any card, and your card is very pretty. Love this set.

    Thanks for sharing,

  2. Hope they are helping your g'ma now and that she's feeling a little better.

    Lovely as a Tree is one of my all time fav sets. It's a classic. Great card.
