Friday, February 26, 2010


I am finally up and around a little bit tonight. I actually made it all the way out to my Stampin' Pad where my main computer is!!! That is a major accomplishment for me after the week I have had. I have spent the majority of my time in bed, thinking I was dying. I ended up at the hospital 3 times as well. I am slowly getting better, I am no longer in ridiculous pain when I cough, only kind of stabbing pain while I cough instead of it lingering. I have had Pneumonia before, probably 10 years ago, and while it was bad, it was no where near this bad. I think I would rather have another natural childbirth than go through this again.

I want to thank those of you who have commented and emailed me get well wished. I also want to very publicly thank my wonderful sister in law Catherine. She is so amazing. She not only brought me and my son lunch yesterday, she took him back to her place for a play date and then when my hubby went and picked him up she gave us a huge casserole dish with my favorite meal in it!!! I was getting my appetite back yesterday and ate a little, but today I was starving and that Spanish Rice has never tasted so good.

Disgusting warning here, if you are squeamish don't read further.

I also need to thank my hubby. He has taken such good care of me, even when I was coughing up blood all over him and the pillows. The house might be a little dirty-er than before I got sick, but all my laundry has been done and meals and meals of soup, jello and pudding. I have looked awful and I am sure smelt awful too, but he has been right beside me trying his best to make me feel better.

I am sure hoping I will be back making cards by the end of the weekend. I have felt so crappy that I did not even make good use of My Digital Studio to get some scrapping in.

Thanks for sticking with me and understanding and sending well wishes. Until next time, Happy Scrappin'

1 comment:

  1. Hope you feel better soon and wishing you a speedy recovery! Please stop by my blog when you have a chance, there is a little something there for you! Hugs, Jess
