Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Marching along

I am finally feeling better, and getting back up and around. I spent the day today catching up on much needed cleaning and sorting and then spent the night at my grams' place. I have not seen her in almost a month. I did not want to give her my sickness, esp with her osteoporosis being so bad. Last spring she coughed and broke her back, so I was staying far far away. I had so much fun just hanging out with her again tonight, and seeing her and my son play games.

I needed to make a card for my niece's birthday party the other day, and I forgot to take a picture of the outside, but I made the inside with My Digital Studio and then printed it out at home. This is the front side of the gift card I included in the card. I love how fast and easy it is to use the program, and also that I can use paper and stamps and embellishments I don't actually own. It is a great way to get to get so much more bang for your buck.

I should be back to creating in the next day or two, esp since I have a few swaps that I need to get cracking on.... Regionals is Saturday, and I have not started my swaps at all yet.... I hate being sick, I wasted 3 weeks of February. I hope to have more to show you all very soon.

Until next time, Happy Scrappin'

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